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Nossa Senhora dos Impossíveis (Serra do Lima, Patú, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)

Commemorated on November 21, January 29
Nossa Senhora dos Impossíveis (Serra do Lima, Patú, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
In the eighteenth century, around 1758, Colonel Antonio Ferreira de Lima, along with Abreu Ferreira and his wife Paula Brito Moreira Peopl, brought from Portugal , an image of Nossa Senhora dos Impossíveis (Our Lady of the Impossible) and made a deed to the donation of half a league of land to build a shrine in honor of Our Lady of the Impossible. Three decades later, the same Colonel Bishop donated to the Sanctuary.


In the twentieth century, in 1921, the bishop of the Diocese of Natal (now Archdiocese), Don Antonio dos Santos Cabral , appointing the first administrator of the shrine, Father Joseph Scholl. Two years later, was signed an agreement between the Diocese of Natal and the Superior General of the Missionaries of the Holy Family, it was definiada the construction of a road, a house for pilgrims and a new sanctuary. In 1948, works were started that would last six years; these works would be the construction of the square, the dam and the road. In 1958, they were awarded the two hundred years since the foundation of the Shrine. On Wednesday of Holy Week of 1963, the celebration took place last week before retirement sanctuary. On September 17, 1966, opened the road linking the city of Patu the Shrine of Lima. 
Finally, in celebration of New Year 1969, the shrine was reopened. The restoration began in 1967 and was run by its founder, Father Henry Spitz. The architect responsible for the layout of the new sanctuary was Alberto Reithler. 2 Currently, the shrine holds the honorary title of 13th Basilica of Brazil and is considered one of the seven wonders of the state of Rio Grande do Norte and one of the largest places of religiosity in Northeast Brazil.



Ó Santa Mãe de Deus e também nossa Mãe, nós vos veneramos com o sugestivo título de Nossa Senhora dos Impossíveis, porque sois Mãe de Deus - Virgem e Mãe - Imaculada Conceição, privilégios estes que não foram concedidos a nenhuma outra criatura somente a vós.
Ó Virgem Bendita e Bondosa Mãe de Deus e nossa Mãe, humildemente vos pedimos socorrei os que passam fome e os que vivem na miséria, curai os doentes de corpo e de espírito, fortalecei os fracos, consolai os aflitos e pedi pelas vocações sacerdotais e religiosas e transformai as famílias em santuários vivos de fé e caridade no seio da igreja.
Pedi pelo Papa, pelos bispos e por todas as autoridades civis, militares e eclesiásticas, para que governem com justiça e amor.
E, agora, ó Senhora dos Impossíveis olhai para nós que fazemos esta novena e alcançai de Jesus vosso Divino Filho as graças que aqui suplicamos: (aqui pedem-se as graças desejadas).
Rezam-se Pai Nosso... Ave Maria... Glória ao Pai...
Maria, Mãe de Deus, Rogai por nós.
Maria, Virgem e Mãe, Rogai por nós.
Maria, Concebida sem pecado, Rogai por nós.
Maria, Nossa Senhora dos Impossíveis, Rogai por nós.
O Holy Mother of God and our Mother, we venerate you with the suggestive title of Our Lady of the Impossible, because you are the Mother of God - Virgin and Mother - Immaculate Conception, privileges which were not granted to any other creature only to you.
O Blessed Virgin and Kindly Mother of God and  our Mother, humbly ask you succor the hungry and living in poverty, heal the sick in body and spirit, strengthen the weak, comfort the afflicted and asked for priestly and religious vocations and transform families living in sanctuaries of faith and charity within the church.
Asked the Pope, the bishops and all the civil, military and ecclesiastical authorities, to govern justly and love.
And now, O Lady of Impossible look to us to make this novena and Obtain your Divine Son Jesus the graces we implore here: (here ask themselves the desired thanks).
Pray to Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory be ...
Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us.
Mary, Virgin and Mother, Pray for us.
Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us.
Mary, Our Lady of the Impossible, Pray for us.



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